Une féministe, une championne passionnée et défenseure des droits des femmes, Stella Mukasa était un être humain exemplaire. Sa croyance en l'égalité l'a incitée à défier les institutions patriarcales à tous les niveaux de la société et de la gouvernance, and her feminist ethos guided her life and cultivated strong sisterhoods in a wide range of diverse personal and […]
En 2010, as a part of its efforts to immortalise the works and achievements of African Women whose legacies of community development were not always documented, AWDF instituted a fund in memory of Hawa Yakubu, a Ghanaian politician, a Member of Parliament in the Fourth Republic of Ghana and also a Minister for Tourism. […]
Réseau des femmes en croissance (NOUVELLE) was formed with the goal of improving the conditions of the less privileged in society, surtout les femmes. It does this through economic empowerment, by creating access to vocational training and providing them with a network that could act as political leverage within society. This helps them develop common political […]
Par: Maame Akua Kyerewaa-Marfo The fast pace of technology has often made it synonymous with the concept of progress. New Technological developments often came with the presumption of neutrality. They were widely thought of not to have the the weaknesses of human prejudice, just simple–clean–algorithms. Technology could be–at least conceptually–blissfully neutral. However in its […]
The African Women’s Development Fund believes in supporting our grantees to build their capacity and resourcing them past finances. We also believe in the strength of unity of purpose as demonstrated by our Results Based Programming training which is aimed at reinforcing our knowledge and understanding of our common goals. This flagship programme is part […]
Theme: “Building capacity for organisational effectiveness and sustainability”. The African Women’s Development Fund is organising its 4th Financial Management Training as part of its mandate to provide technical skills to grantees in order to ensure transparency, accountability and prudent financial management of resources for better results and impact. Running from 24th till 26th July […]
Contexte Le Fonds de développement des femmes africaines (Rapport Annuel ) est une fondation pionnière d'octroi de subventions dont le siège est à Accra, Ghana. AWDF a été fondée par et pour les femmes africaines. Il vise à soutenir le travail du mouvement des femmes africaines pour la paix, égalité, développement durable et justice sociale. Depuis sa fondation en 2001, AWDF a continué à soutenir un portefeuille en pleine croissance […]