Archives dans la catégorie: groupe blog News


‘Onamdaade’ is an Akan word used in Ghana which literally means (a person without a vehicle). It has similar meaning in this short text. It is a hilarious moment at AWDF since we now have our own office building which is spacious and magnificent. We are still settling down and this coming Thursday (27th November […]

Postcard from South Africa: Feminist Tech Exchange and AWID

I have just spent several busy, fun and intense couple of days in South Africa. I arrived here last Saturday and headed to the Monkey Valley Resort for the Feminist Tech Exchange and Wow! what an experience that has been. The Tech Exchange comprised of several tracks including digital stories, video, l'audio, mobile and social […]

Lettre du Mozambique

Hé, (Comme on dit au Mozambique). J'ai le singulier privilège de changer d'identité chaque semaine pendant les prochaines semaines donc cette semaine je suis mozambicain. Souvenez-vous de Samora Machel? Oui, c'est la terre bien-aimée de Samora Machel. Maputo is the capital of Mozambique and as Ghana is to the cedi and pesewa […]

The Obama Victory: Lessons for Feminists

Ouah, today is truly an exciting day. So many of us thought that we will never in our lifetime see a Black person in the ‘White House’ and that day has arrived. The question for me is ‘if we thought that was impossible’ then what else is possible? Is it possible to have a Black […]

A letter from Malawi

Hello Sisters, For the next few weeks you will be reading from me from Southern Africa. I give you a peep into my diary for the week ending October 31st, 2008. I write from the city of Lilongwe (Are you wondering where the hell that city is?) Wonder no more, it is the capital of […]

Why don’t feminists work with humans?

I can’t tell you the number of times I have had conversations (read arguments) with people (read men) about why Feminists focus on women. A few days ago a friend said to meWhy don’t feminists work with humanssoon the script will flip…‘ Well guess what I found when I was sorting through my […]

Citations féministes au Forum féministe africain

Je lisais certaines des notes que j'ai prises lors du 2e Forum féministe africain qui s'est récemment tenu à Kampala, Ouganda et je dois juste partager certaines des grandes citations qui m'ont frappé (un peu drôle, un endroit sur, certains simplement controversés…’ Prendre plaisir! « Le féminisme est comme le christianisme, you have to convert people.’ Hope Chigudu quoted […]

A song for Love: For Lovetta Warner, Liberian AIDS Activist

Part of what I have enjoyed the most at this year’s AFF has been the sheer creativity unleashed. Jessica Horn who is a member of the AFF working group has kindly agreed that I can reproduce this poem which she wrote in honour of Lovetta Warner and read during one of the workshops I attended: […]

No longer a voice in the Wilderness

AWDF in association with our partners Akina Mama wa Afrika are currently convening the 2nd African Feminist Forum in Uganda. At the opening ceremony this morning Dr Susan Kiguli, a lecturer at the Institute of Languages, University of Makarere shared a powerful poem which she wrote specifically for this occasion. NO LONGER A VOICE IN […]