Au cours des années, The Gambia Committee on Traditional Practices Affecting the Health of Women and Children – GAMCOTRAP has been engaged in consistent grassroots activism and social mobilisation through training and sensitization activities to raise consciousness of men and women on the Effects of FGM on the reproductive health rights of women and girl-children. Le […]
Octobre 8 was world sight day and I am wondering how many of us heard about it and for those of us who heard about it, what kind of consideration we gave to it. The second Thursday in October every year has been set aside globally for awareness creation on blindness, visual impairment and the […]
I could not agree more with Arun Agrawal in his paper on the Social Dimensions of Climate Change, prepared for the Social Development Department, The World Bank, Washington DC, mars 5-6, 2008 in which he stated “Climate change will be pivotal in redefining development in the twenty-first century. How nations, societies, communautés, and households respond […]
I had a fun time yesterday on Radio Universe being interviewed by hostess Justina Agozie Yesutar with her all woman production team – Bara Yunus Khadija and Asah Daniella. The programme is appropriately dubbed “Yaa Asantewaa” (after the famous Ashanti Queen Mother who led the Ashanti’s in battle against the British in 1900. I was […]
Les femmes au Sénégal sont en général confinées aux rôles traditionnels. Ils sont mariés à un jeune âge; la moitié d'entre eux vivent en union polygyne et sont sujets à des accouchements multiples. Selon, “Up to 20% des filles subissent des mutilations génitales féminines. La plupart des femmes au Sénégal n'ont aucune possibilité d'éducation. Seulement 23 percent of females […]
Ma mère était une fille de cuisine, fille de cuisine…Mon père était jardinier, garçon de jardin…C'est pourquoi je suis féministe, féministe…C'est pourquoi je suis féministe, féministe… (Chanson interprétée par les Beatles, Directeur exécutif de Swaziland Positive Living (SWAPOL) au CEO Forum à Kampala, Ouganda) Les femmes arrivent, around the cornerThe women are coming, around […]
Did Obama say anything we did not already know? I thought I had heard all about the Obama speech (I have said on several occasions that he did not say anything I did not know) until recently when I heard two well educated and learned professionals discussing some of the ills in our society. They […]
I thought I had heard all about the Obama speech (I have said on several occasions that he did not say anything I did not know) until recently when I heard two well educated and learned professionals discussing some of the ills in our society. They spoke specifically about: • Corruption in the public sector• […]
Pleins feux sur les bénéficiaires: Rural Women’s Movement in Swaziland An email update sent to Nafi Chinery, AWDF’s Capacity Building Officer: Feedback from Rural Women’s Movement (RWM), an AWDF grantee in Swaziland on their experiences at the recent International Resource Mobilisation Workshop (IWRM) held in Bangalore, Inde. AWDF supported RWM and 4 other grantees to attend the IWRM. […]
An email update sent to Nafi Chinery, AWDF’s Capacity Building Officer: Feedback from Rural Women’s Movement (RWM), an AWDF grantee in Swaziland on their experiences at the recent International Resource Mobilisation Workshop (IWRM) held in Bangalore, Inde. AWDF supported RWM and 4 other grantees to attend the IWRM. Chère Nafi, On behalf of RWM I […]