Archives dans la catégorie: groupe blog News

Sub-Standard University Education in Ghana: The New Challenge

Currently, one of my favourite ways of enjoying Wednesday evenings is to watch the “Zain Africa Challenge”. It’s a quiz organised by Zain and it’s for selected Universities in Africa. The quiz master of the show is great and leaves an “indelible mark” on his audience – a good enough reason to make a date […]

Aging: What are your thoughts on it?

Over the weekend, I attended the final funeral rites of a close relative at one of the suburbs in Accra. Unfortunately for me, most of the activities during the church service were in Ga, the local language spoken by the people of Accra for which I neither speak nor understand. So to while away the […]

26 years on and still flaming hot

Scrolling the contacts list on my phone last week, I realised there was this “Old man” friend whom I have not spoken to for about two weeks (which was quite unusual). This man is 65 year old and a German has been my friend for close to 6 mois. I tried calling him, but his […]

Grantee Focus: Mbaasem announces theGhana Women Writers Forum

Are you a female novelist, poet or playwright? Have you attempted writing any short stories, novels, poems or plays? Do you need guidance in writing and publishing your own work? Are you a member of the Mbaasem Writers’ Club? Then Mbaasem Foundation is inviting you to join the Ghana Women Writers’ Forum for a wonderful […]

Obama’s Visit: Is He Promoting Good Governance In Ghana?

It is well known that President Obama chose to visit Ghana because of its track record in governance and democracy. Not all of us who live here are convinced that we are such a good model for governance and democracy but that is a subject for another blog. This morning Joy FM (Ghanaian local radio […]

Une lettre ouverte au président Obama

8juillet, 2009. Cher Président Obama, Vous êtes attendus dans notre cher pays ce vendredi et déjà la Obama-mania s'est emparée du Ghana. Pour être juste, la manie d'Obama n'est pas uniquement due à votre visite imminente. Obama-mania a commencé lorsque vous êtes devenu le candidat présidentiel du Parti démocrate. En ce jour fatidique de novembre où vous avez été élu […]

Make the World Safe for Diversity

Part of my personal reference documents are kept in the boot of my car. These references are in the form of notes and materials from the workshops that I have attended in recent times. Over the weekend whilst I was cleaning the car, I decided to go through the documents to refresh my thoughts on […]

Sisterhood in Weight Loss

Joining the AWDF Slimmers Club is the second best thing that has happened to me this year (the first being a deeper understanding of the Love of God). In early May I got a mail from a colleague Nana, inviting interested sisters to sign on and join a slimmers club. I was not too keen […]

The Girl Whose Eyes Cry out for Help

The issue of child labour and for that matter the exploitation of the female child especially, sometimes appeara as tall tales or gives you the bandwagon effect of shouting with the crowd “this is bad it must be stopped!”, but having a personal encounter is another ball game altogether. Somewhere in the middle of last […]


This is an update to the blog I posted on women’s rights activists calling on women to go on a seven- day sex boycott (girlcott?), posted on Aril 30. I know blogger has been acting up lately and is still deciding whether or not to accept or reject comments, so I want to assume that’s […]