Jeunesse, parents and even grandmothers came together for a day-long sports and culture fair in Nairobi’s Kibagare district hosted by Young Women Campaigning Against Aids (YWCAA), an NGO which focuses on HIV-AIDS prevention and advocacy. The event, held January 27, was an opportunity for fun and games showcasing the group’s activities and handiwork, as well […]
Janvier 14, 2016 – Today, the World Health Organization (OMS), declared the end of the most recent outbreak of Ebola virus disease in Liberia and says all known chains of transmission have been stopped in West Africa. It’s a day to celebrate, yet the consequences of this outbreak – the worst the world has ever […]
Par Aïcha Ali (Un hommage aux femmes maltraitées) Ensoleillement, Ensoleillement, Shining Through Lighting up, the sky so blue Sunshine, Ensoleillement, is it true The tears you cry are red in hue? Souriant, Souriant, a cheery face Shining through from a secret place Hidden from view, beneath the surface A twisted, painful ugly furnace Crying, […]
Beneath Her Veil Beneath her veil lay eyes filled with fear Of man and his ways, of evil bred within good Of what lay ahead of her, what fate had dealt her A world that turned against her, blamed her, maimed her Condemned to a death so bloody, an end so violent A memory tainted […]
The Intrigue By Hilda Twongyeirwe This is a true story of Yemo (Not true name due to sensitivity of details in the story from Ethiopia) from Ethiopia. It was first published by FEMRITE – Uganda Women Writers Association in Beyond the Dance in 2010 and republished by Un-cut Voices Press, Allemagne, in Taboo in 2015. […]
Read the original interview published on the Canadian Museum for Human Rights blog Kidist Belete is the founder of Developing Families Together (DFT), an Ethiopian grassroots organization that works in women’s empowerment, orphan protection, VIH & AIDS prevention and care, and community development . She has contributed a lot to empowering women economically and socially […]
Walls (published on Brittle Paper in 2014) By Jen Thorpe It was The force of the wall That propelled her face forward And back into the foot That kicked it. The kicker danced The dance of a victorious soldier. For he was a warrior in a long standing campaign Of dominance And hate. […]
Par Fatou Wurie Lisez l'article original sur Huffington Post ici LE CONTEXTE QUE VOUS CONNAISSEZ LE PLUS – 11 ANNÉES DE GUERRE EN SIERRA LEONE: Naissance. Je choisis de ne pas dire à mes amis protégés que je suis né dans une petite maison dans un petit village niché dans les petits coins de l'Afrique. Nous […]
Par Jama Jack 25 novembre 2015 Aujourd'hui marque le début d'une autre 16 Journées d'Activisme contre les Violences Basées sur le Genre, une commémoration annuelle qui se déroule du 25 novembre au 10 décembre de chaque année. En Gambie, les commémorations de cette année ont commencé avec d'excellentes nouvelles grâce à une déclaration de l'exécutif, lundi soir, interdire la pratique des mutilations génitales féminines […]
The United Nations defines violence against women as “Any act of gender-based violence that results in, or is likely to result in, physical, sexual or mental harm or suffering to women, including threats of such acts, coercion or arbitrary deprivation of liberty, whether occurring in public or in private life.” “Hannah was raped. Ce […]