“African Women and Political Participation” Lecture by H.E. Ellen Johnson Sirleaf President of the Republic of Liberia On the Occasion of the 10th Anniversary Of the African Women’s Development Fund (Rapport Annuel ) Accra, Ghana, Friday, Novembre 12, 2010 Madam Chair, Madam Executive Director; Your Excellency Madam Vice President of the Republic of Malawi; The Board of […]
PRESS RELEASE For Immediate Release The African Women’s Development Fund (Rapport Annuel ) Celebrates its 10th Anniversary in Accra, Ghana, November 11th – 13th In June 2000, le Fonds de développement des femmes africaines (Rapport Annuel ) was launched through the efforts of its co-founders, Joana Foster (Ghana), Dr Hilda Tadria (Ouganda) and Bisi Adeleye-Fayemi (Nigéria). AWDF is the first Africa-wide […]
Nous sommes ici à cause de Nollywood. Pour certains, c'est une raison de se réjouir, pour d'autres c'est plutôt une cause d'anxiété. Cependant, qu'un tel débat fasse même rage est un signe que Nollywood est devenu une institution avec laquelle il faut compter. Et être une institution implique des responsabilités. Nollywood can no longer be indulged as […]
Guinea Solidarity Mission-Executive Summary Agenda – Solidarity Mission to Guinea
Since the draft constitution for Kenya was passed by Parliament paving the way for its publication and referendum, those seeking to stop the march towards a new dawn for Kenya have embarked on a mission of misinformation and misinterpretation of the draft constitution for selfish personal and fundamentalist interests. A section of Christian leaders and […]
Le Fonds Africain pour le Developpement de la Femme (Rapport Annuel ) was represented at the 54th session of the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW) between 27th February and 7th March by: Dr Hilda Tadria – Board Chair Bisi Adeleye-Fayemi – Executive Director Sarah Mukasa – Director of Programmes Roselynn Musa – Programme Officer (Informations & Documentation) Regardez Sekyiamah […]
Le tout premier sommet économique des femmes africaines s'est tenu à l'hôtel Windsor, à Nairobi, Kenya à partir de mars 18-20, 2010. Le Sommet était organisé conjointement par les New Faces & Réseau Voix (NFVN) et la Banque africaine de développement (BAD). Cette initiative a réuni des dirigeants africains et mondiaux, majorité d'entre eux étaient des femmes qui pouvaient influencer […]
The New York Launch of ‘Voice, Power and Soul: Portraits of African Feminists’ took place at the UN Church Centre as part of activities marking the 54th session of the Commission on the Status of Women. The book was officially launched by Gertrude Mongella, the first President of the African Parliament with co-editor Jessica Horn
The African Women’s Decade (2010- 2020) to be launched regionally in October 2010, would coincide with the time that the women’s movement worldwide is marking significant landmarks on gender equality and the empowerment of women. This year, the world is reviewing thirty years of the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Again […]
IMMEDIATE PRESS RELEASE 10th February 2010 The Launch of the African Women’s Development Fund’s Resource Centre On the 10th of February, 2010, Le Fonds Africain pour le Developpement de la Femme (Rapport Annuel ) with support from The African Capacity Building Foundation (ACBF) will launch a resource facility for African Women at AWDF House, 78 Ambassadorial Enclave, East Legon, Accra, Ghana. […]