We the undersigned participants at a strategic meeting on Women’s Economic Empowerment and Livelihoods, held in Cape Town on 3-4 May under the auspices of the African Women’s Development Fund (Rapport Annuel ), wish to communicate the following key messages from our deliberations to the World Economic Forum-Africa meeting “Delivering on Africa’s Promise”, 8-10 Mai 2013 […]
Entre 2001 et 2012, le Fonds de développement des femmes africaines (Rapport Annuel ) disbursed US$4,247,740.24 in grant-making to women’s rights and national organisations across the African continent. The majority of this funding has supported small community based women’s groups like Ngallu Djiguene in Senegal which in 2005 received a grant of US5,000; Anfoega Kaolin Processing Group which in […]
The ‘Creative Centre for Communication and Development‘ (CCCD) based in Zimbabwe is a grantee partner of the African Women’s Development Fund (Rapport Annuel ). CCCD specialises in utilising information and communication technologies (ICT) to advance women’s human rights. En 2010, CCCD received a small grant of US$1,000 to use mobile phone advocacy to educate the public on […]
The board and staff of the African Women’s Development Fund (Rapport Annuel ) welcome the appointment of H.E. Mary Robinson as the United Nations Special Envoy for the Great Lakes Region of Africa. It is our belief that she will bring her passion for human rights and strong sense of integrity to work for the benefit of […]
On the 10th of March, le Fonds de développement des femmes africaines (Rapport Annuel ) and the African Feminist Forum (AFF) organised a panel discussion on ‘What’s new in African feminisms: Pop, People and Politics‘ as part of the WOW festival at the Southbank Centre in London. Resource persons were Jessica Horn, a founding member of the AFF, écrivain […]
Prudence Mabele is the Executive Director of the ‘Positive Women’s Network‘ (POSSÉDER) en Afrique du sud, une organisation qui soutient les femmes vivant positivement. À ce jour, PWN a reçu 210 000 USD de subventions du Fonds de développement des femmes africaines (Rapport Annuel ). Cela a inclus un financement pour soutenir l'expansion du « Community Home Based Care » de PWN’ programme, bursaries for staff to […]
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Alliance Française (Accra) et le Fonds de développement des femmes africaines (Rapport Annuel ) is pleased to announce that Fatoumata Diabate, an award winning photographer, will be teaching a basic photography workshop at Alliance Francaise (Accra) from 9am-12pm between the 18th of February and the 21st of February 2012. 15 amateur women photographers will be selected to participate in […]
"Le soutien d'AWDF envers CAFENEC a été immense et incommensurable. Le soutien d'AWDF a ouvert des voies plus prometteuses à CAFENEC. L'impact du projet de rites de veuvage financé par l'AWDF, a attiré des partenaires tels que la GTZ/GIZ et le Partnership Transparency Fund pour soutenir également les activités de CAFENEC de diverses manières. Grâce au soutien d'AWDF, CAFENEC c'est maintenant […]
PROGRAMMES SPECIALIST, KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT Background The African Women’s Development Fund (Rapport Annuel ) est une fondation subventionnaire, qui vise à soutenir le travail du mouvement des femmes africaines pour la paix, égalité, développement durable et justice sociale. Rapport Annuel , qui est basé à Accra, Ghana. AWDF requires the services of an experienced, innovative and dedicated Programmes Specialist, Connaissances […]