Archives dans la catégorie: groupe blog News

AWDF 2013 Site Visit to Grantee Partners in Nigeria

Site visits are one of the numerous ways in which the African Women’s Development Fund (Rapport Annuel ) keeps in touch with its diverse constituencies. These visits enable AWDF to interact directly with grantee partners, learn about issues of concern to women’s rights organisations, identify the developmental needs of grantee partners, assess the impact of grants provided, […]

Bénéficiaires mis en lumière: SOS Addis, Éthiopie - La collecte des déchets plastiques entraîne un changement de politique à l'échelle nationale

Qui aurait pensé que travailler avec des déchets pourrait devenir si excitant? 9 il y a des années, 5 Femmes éthiopiennes, Kiros Wolde-Giorghis, Embafrash Berehie, Legawork Ayle, Tsehay Haile et Mulatua Haile Selassie ont décidé qu'Addis-Abeba, la capitale éthiopienne avait besoin d'être nettoyée, et qu'ils aideraient à le faire tout en donnant aux femmes un moyen de faire un […]

Support the work of the African Women’s Development Fund

Make a difference to the lives of African women by supporting the work of the African Women’s Development Fund (Rapport Annuel ). To donate via wire transfer from anywhere in Africa, please makes a deposit into AWDF’s account using the following information: Nom du compte: AWDF/Fundraising Account Number 064/1008737 Bank Name Barclays Bank Ghana Limited Bank […]

Bénéficiaires mis en lumière: The African Leadership Centre, à Nairobi

Watch Dr Funmi Olonisakin, Executive Director of the African Leadership Centre (ALC) à Nairobi, Kenya speak about the paucity of leadership on the African continent, and how the ALC through its fellowship programme is developing training young Africans for leadership within their communities and in the continent. Depuis 2010, the African Women’s Development Fund has […]

AWDF’s CEO, Theo Sowa at the 2013 Women Deliver conference in Malaysia

Theo Sowa, AWDF’s Chief Executive Officer participated in the 2013 Women Deliver conference held in Kuala Lampur, Malaysia between the 28th-30th of May 2013. On Tuesday the 28th, she delivered ‘The Last Wordfor proceedings on the day which can be viewed below: On Wednesday 29th May Theo Sowa facilitated a panel on ‘Developing Countries’ […]

Photo essay of AWDF’s visit to grantee partners in Nigeria

Between the 27th of May-7th of June, a team of AWDF staff visited grantee partners, and potential grantee partners in Lagos, Ibadan, Ile-Ife, Ilorin and Abuja. The images below represent a photo essay of some of the grantees and potential grantees visited. All photography by Chika Oduah.  

Le Fonds Africain pour le Developpement de la Femme (Rapport Annuel ) to visit grantee partners in Nigeria, 27th May – 7th June 2013

Le Fonds Africain pour le Developpement de la Femme (Rapport Annuel ) is a Pan-African grant making foundation based in Accra, Ghana. À ce jour, AWDF has provided grant-making, capacity building and technical assistance to its network of over 1000 grantee partners in 42 pays d’Afrique. In Nigeria, AWDF a soutenu 123 women’s rights and national organisations with over US$2.7 million in […]