Archives dans la catégorie: groupe blog News

FEMNET’s Herstory: Advocating for the rights of African women

Le Fonds Africain pour le Developpement de la Femme (Rapport Annuel ) is proud to have supported the production of a publication documenting the herstory of The African Women’s Development and Communication Network (FEMNET). In her foreword to the publication, Joyce Hilda Banda, President of Malawi stated: “FEMNET has been at the centre of the campaign for gender equality in the […]

Grantee Recognition: Mphatheleni Makaulule awarded a Global Leadership Award by the International Indigenous Women’s Forum

Congratulations to Mphatheleni Makaulule, Founder of the Mupo Foundation who was recently awarded a Global Leadership Award by the International Indigenous Women’s Forum (FIMI). The Mupo Foundation works to preserve and revive cultural and biological diversity in South Africa and in 2011, AWDF provided a grant of US$25,000 to the organisation in support of training of […]

Pleins feux sur les bénéficiaires: Negemelelakennew HIV Positive Women Support Organization, Ethiopie

Negemelelakennew HIV Positive Women Support Organization (NLK) is a much needed space for women living positively in Ethiopia. Le Fonds Africain pour le Developpement de la Femme (Rapport Annuel ) has provided NLK with US$80,000 in grants since 2007. AWDF’s grant making and capacity building support to NLK has included supporting the leadership of the organisation to strengthen their resource mobilisation […]

Vidéo: Bisi Adeleye-Fayemi partage ses réflexions sur l'âge minimum du mariage au Nigeria

Bisi Adeleye-Fayemi est cofondatrice et membre du conseil d'administration du Fonds de développement des femmes africaines (Rapport Annuel ). Elle est également membre du Réseau des femmes leaders africaines pour la santé reproductive et la planification familiale.. Bisi est également l'épouse du gouverneur de l'État d'Ekiti, Nigéria. Dans cette vidéo, Bisi shares her thoughts on the current controversy […]

The Gendered Aspect of HIV and AIDS: An update by Prudence Mabele from the XIX International AIDS conference

In July 2012, le Fonds de développement des femmes africaines (Rapport Annuel ) supported Prudence Mabele, Executive Director of the Positive Women’s Network in South Africa to attend the XIX International AIDS conference in Washington D.C. in the United States of America. Under AWDF’s Solidarity Fund the organisation supports existing grantees partner to “…engage in activities which promote learning […]

What our Nigerian Grantee Partners said about working with AWDF

En juin 2013, un 3 member team from AWDF – Rose Buabeng, Anglophone Programme Officer; Nana Darkoa Sekyiamah, Communications Specialist, Solange Kuadjo, Programme Assistant – visited 19 partenaires bénéficiaires, et 3 potential grantee partners in 7 Nigerian States (Lagos, Abuja, Ibadan, Ilorin, Nasawara, Ile Ife, Kwara). Chika Oduah, a multi-media journalist who took many of […]

Entretien audio avec Happy Gloria du service communautaire de Busia au Kenya

Dans cet entretien, Heureuse Gloria, Directeur exécutif de ‘Busia Community Based Services’ (BUCOSS) au Kenya s'entretient avec Nana Darkoa Sekyiamah de l'AWDF sur certaines des pratiques culturelles préjudiciables qui contribuent à la propagation du VIH et du SIDA à Busia, Kenya. Here she shares details of the innovative ways in which BUCOSS has been working […]