Comite d’Assistance a la Femme Nécessiteuse du Cameroun (CAFÉNEC)
$15,000 acheter des moulins à maïs et accorder des crédits aux veuves vivant avec le VIH/SIDA pour qu'elles puissent se lancer dans des activités génératrices de revenus
$15,000 acheter des moulins à maïs et accorder des crédits aux veuves vivant avec le VIH/SIDA pour qu'elles puissent se lancer dans des activités génératrices de revenus
$1,000 to organize a three day training workshop on developing digital stories, a powerful recording and documentation method which foregrounds women’s voices and experiences in the process of storytelling.
$15,000 to promote and protect the rights of vulnerable female students in tertiary institutions who are pregnant and those who are living with HIV through advocating for mechanisms to support them at all levels.
$20,000 to provide women with viable income generating activities including training and creating market access for the women’s produce. This is to help improve beneficiaries’ household income levels and improve their health.
$20,000 to carry out an organizational development process to enhance efficiency and effectiveness in service delivery and performance to improve the organisation’s internal and external functioning.
$20,000 to launch an HIV&AIDS prevention campaign within the Kabwe District of Zambia focusing on Prevention of Mother to child transmission of HIV as well as treatment adherence.
$1,000 for the promotion of Prevention of Mother to Child Transmission of HIV (PMTCT) and the promotion of early infant diagnosis of HIV for effective HIV prevention and management.
$20,000 to improve the nutritional status of 80 households with people living with HIV&AIDS through food rations, and support for undertaking back yard gardening and livestock production.
$20,000 to hold focus group discussions with community leaders, organizing community sensitizations on violence against women living with HIV&AIDS and setting up a revolving loan scheme for women living with HIV&AIDS and care givers of people living with HIV&sida.
$15,000 to support the economic security of the grandmothers and OVCs who are supported by the HEAL project and also to scale up the already existing Poultry and Vegetable farming projects.