Archives dans la catégorie: LE VIH-SIDA

Kiambu People Living with HIV/AIDS Self Help Group (KIPEWA)

$15,000 to strengthen the home based care project through a refresher course for the care givers and a revolving loan scheme to strengthen their economic base. Part of the funds was earmarked to provide life skills for out of school girls.

Socioserve-Ghana (SSG)

$1,000 to use sports (football, tug of peace, cycle) to educate the youth on HIV&AIDS issues especially in relation to Prevention of Mother to Child Transmission of HIV.

Human Care and Maintenance Foundation (HUCAM)

$1,000 to organize a symposium on HIV stigma & discrimination; train advocates as volunteers to carry out HIV prevention advocacy activities in the communities; to promote health and the adoption of safer sexual practices among vulnerable groups (PLHIV, Truck pushers, kayaye (female head porters) and long distance drivers).

Association des femmes médecins du Cameroun (CMWA)

$10,000 entraîner 10 femmes vivant avec le VIH comme éducatrices pour éduquer leurs pairs sur le VIH&Problèmes liés au sida, y compris la prévention de la transmission du VIH de la mère à l'enfant&sida, santé et droits sexuels et reproductifs des femmes vivant avec le VIH; Promouvoir les questions de planification familiale et fournir des capitaux aux 10 femmes vivant avec le VIH&sida.

Réseau SOS Femmes en Detresse – SOS FED

$10,000 entraîner 20 midwives and 20 nurses on prevention of mother to child transmission of HIV&sida; entraîner 20 femmes vivant avec le VIH&AIDS and 20 female sex workers as peer educators; to undertake HIV education and provide psychological and free HIV voluntary testing for women.