Archives dans la catégorie: Devis

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Women smallholder farmers comprise an average of 43 percent of the agricultural labour force of developing countries

Modesta Nakusi

Whenever I look at my cabbage, I smile to myself. I have lived with HIV for 15 years but I am still strong. Thank you CHODO for supporting me

Message sans titre

Women suffered disproportionately in combating Ebola, mainly because of their traditional roles as nurses and healthcare workers, yet the part they played as agents of change and frontline partners in curbing the epidemic has been largely overlooked by international media

Male, Person Living with HIV (PLHIV)

…most people assume that someone with AIDS is immoral. They do not realize that there are other ways of transmission. They simply believe that if someone has AIDS, they must have acquired it through immoral behaviour. They associate you with criminals and hence discriminate against you”

Rachel Dliwayo

“I learnt that it’s never the victim’s fault to be raped

Toni Solveig Michelsen

Ce fut un grand plaisir de travailler avec vous. L'AWDF est une organisation très professionnelle et visionnaire. Vous atteignez les objectifs convenus [et] vous touchez des groupes cibles difficiles à atteindre. De plus, AWDF est toujours prêt à partager des informations, à laisser les autres apprendre de vos expériences, etc. You have […]