Archives dans la catégorie: droits humains des femmes

Femmes Africa Solidarite (SAF)

$40,000 pour soutenir la 2013 édition de la campagne Gender is my Agenda, notamment en veillant à la participation des jeunes; Une partie de la subvention a été utilisée pour compléter le FAS 2013-2017 Plan stratégique.

Women Inspiration Development Centre

$1,000 to organize awareness campaigns through radio phone-in programs at three different local radio stations for 15 days and round the programs up with a rally.

Positive Action for Treatment Access (PATA)

$15,000 to use radio (Ray Power National Broadcast) to educate the public on issues of gender based violence; to organize a workshop to strengthen the capacity of selected local civil society organizations in Nigeria to be actively engaged in designing and implementing programs towards eradicating GBV in Nigeria. Part of the grant was earmarked for […]

Sister Namibia Trust

$20,000 to support the further production of three issues of its magazine “Sister Namibia” for the year.

Associacao Khalidwe de Lago

$1,000 produire 6 radio programs and 2 jingles one in local language (Nyanja) and the other in Portuguese which will run concurrently.

Zorzor District Women Care Inc. (ZODWOCA)

$10,000 to undertake series of awareness raising activities in Lofa County to advocate and educate former combatants, community leaders and members on issues of FGM and gender based violence.