$15,000 to organize peer training of trainers (TOT) workshops; sponsor young feminists to participate in the African Feminist Forum (2012); carry out a follow-up tracer study of all MEMPROW Girls that have been trained since 2008. Part of the grant will be used to organize a MEMPROW girls’ week to highlight the impact of empowered […]
$17,400 to support winners of the Nelson Mandela – GracaMachel Innovation awards and also to enable winners to participate in the CIVICUS World Assembly 2011.
$ 20,000 pour le développement organisationnel de FAS, y compris le renforcement des défis en matière de ressources humaines et de développement organisationnel de l'organisation ainsi que le renforcement des activités de plaidoyer de FAS.
$50,000 to support the organization of the International Workshop on Resource Mobilisation in Africa (GIRE-Afrique)in Kampala Uganda. 37 women leaders amongst AWDF grantee organizations participated in the workshop
$50,000 to organize a regional meeting on women’s access to legal and judicial services.
$10,000 to support the organization of the third Pan-African Youth Leadership Forum.
$40,000 for election observation training and monitoring in Ghana and Sierra Leone.
$10,000 to support the organisation of the 4th annual West Africa Women’s Policy Forum titled ‘Win with Women : Best Practices in Promoting Women’s Quantitative and Quality Representation in Decision Making’ in Liberia
$10,000 pour soutenir la mise sur pied du Fonds des femmes francophones.
$30,000 to support a 30 minutes documentary showcasing best practices at three levels of governance and profiling women from different political parties that have excelled in their public office; organiser 2 major seminars to build a support system for women aspiring to political positions in the 2011 elections and to support the National Parliamentarian […]