Archives dans la catégorie: droits humains des femmes

Association médicale camerounaise

$1,000 pour effectuer des conseils sur le VIH, sensibiliser sur les rapports sexuels protégés et organiser des causeries éducatives sur le VIH

Réseau SOS Femmes en détresse (SOS FED)

$1,000 d'entreprendre des activités de partage d'informations sur la prévention de la violence basée sur le genre dans le cadre de la célébration de la 2011 16 journées d'activisme contre les violences basées sur le genre

Association Feminine Somdelwende (AFS)

$8,000 to purchase a corn mill and build a structure for the corn mill. Part of the grant is to train women in the production of local seasoning (soumbala).


$12,000 to train a group of Community animators who will lead the fight against violence and provide psychological, medical and legal support to women survivors of violence.

Sesithule Vamanani Caring Association (SEVACA)

$15,000 to undertake awareness campaigns to educate communities on the effects of forced marriages, violence against women and also to facilitate the formation of young women’s movement to help curb violence against women and forced marriages


$1,000 to organize a day’s workshop for 25 des femmes artistes pour aborder les questions de l'impact de la violence sur les femmes à travers les arts de la scène, projections de films et débats.

Fiducie de participation citoyenne (CPTrust)

$1,000 to undertake awareness raising activities to educate members of Marondera and Murewa communities on issues of gender based violence and to establish community GBV committees to monitor and report on cases of gender based violence