Archives dans la catégorie: droits humains des femmes

Alliance jeunesse – La Gambie

$1,000 to organize panel discussion for various stakeholders including faith based group leaders, the media, youth groups, community based organizations and women groups, to sensitize them on gender based violence through the use of regional and international mechanisms such as the African Charter Protocol on the Rights of Women in Africa, AU African Women Decade […]

Conscience International (CI)

$10,000 entraîner 30 community women based groups and 20 school teams in Greater Banjul and Western Region of the Gambia in peace building skills, la démocratie, gender equality and human rights issues.

Zenab pour les femmes dans le développement

$30,000 entraîner 20 sages-femmes de 10 villages ruraux disséminés dans les localités de Gadarif (Soudan oriental) sur les pratiques de livraison sûres, soins prénatals et postnatals, anti MGF et VIH&Sensibilisation au SIDA, garde d'enfants et éducation nutritionnelle.

Development Gender Network (DGN)

$10,000 to provide psychosocial and legal assistance to survivors of rape and women living positively in Sisonke and Amathole municipalities.

Save Somali Women and Children (SSWC)

$10,000 to organize two training workshops and one follow up workshop each for selected women conflict management practitioners and passive victims engaging with conflict in Somalia.

Muloma Women’s Development Association (MUWODA)

$15,000 to organize awareness creation activities on the Domestic Violence Act, Devolution of Estate and Registration of Customary marriage and Divorce for 150 femmes rurales, law enforcement officers and traditional leaders in Kailahun and Kono districts. Part of the grant was used to hold radio programmes to educate people on the various Acts.

Observatoire des Relations de Genre au Senegal (ORGANE)

$20,000 éduquer et intégrer les jeunes femmes dans le mouvement des femmes dans certains pays francophones par le biais de programmes de formation autour de la théorie du féminisme et l'organisation d'un dialogue féministe intergénérationnel.