Morogoro Development Organization (MODEO)
$10,000 to reach out to young people with disabilities and their parents/guardians with HIV&AIDS information and information on rights of people with disabilities.
$10,000 to reach out to young people with disabilities and their parents/guardians with HIV&AIDS information and information on rights of people with disabilities.
$10,000 to expand its income generation activities to widows and orphans in Morogoro region and support orphans and vulnerable Children in school.
$1,000 to train a number of prisoners as peer educators on HIV&AIDS within the prison in collaboration with the prison authorities.
$2,700 to enable its Executive Director (Prudence Terre) to attend and present a paper at the International AIDS Conference.
$1,000 to organize a football tournament as a means to educate and sensitize the community about HIV&AIDS and the significance of Voluntary Counseling and Testing.
$1,000 entraîner 50 women and girls on HIV&AIDS prevention, stigmatisation and discrimination; to organise a one day seminar on HIV related issues and to organise awareness creation programme through sports activities.
$12,000 élaborer un plan stratégique quinquennal pour l'organisation ainsi que concevoir un site Web et assurer sa maintenance. Une partie de la subvention couvrira également les salaires du personnel du projet, à savoir un consultant, un consultant informatique, coordinateur de projet et un contrôleur financier.
$10,000 fournir 15 bulls & cows for 30 households and provide technical training for the beneficiaries.
$1,000 fournir 100 women of reproductive age with comprehensive HIV prevention messages with emphasis on PMTCT; facilitate HIV counselling and testing among women of reproductive age and encourage/support early Ante Natal Care enrolment for the uptake of PMTCT services through traditional birth attendants (TBA).
$15,000 to provide treatment literacy education for women living with HIV&sida, educate women living with HIV to access Prevention of Mother to Child Transmission (PMTCT) of HIV services.