Archives in the category: thematic areas

Hiwot HIV&AIDS Prevention, Care & Support Association (HAPCSA)

$15,000 to train and provide startup capital for women living with HIV&AIDS. A strong economic base is very important if people living with HIV will adhere to treatment and be able to fight self-stigma and societal stigma. This project will therefore provide sustainable income earning opportunities for the women

Developing the Family Together (DFT)

$20,000 over two years to train and provide start-up capital to 30 women living with HIV&AIDS to enable them set up sustainable income generation activities.

Dawn of Hope Ethiopia Association Hawassa Branch

$15,000 to support a selection of women living with HIV&AIDS, commercial sex workers and orphan girls with a means to set up income generation activities. Part of the grant will also support a selection of female OVCs in school.

Association of EgyptianFemaleLawyers (AEFL)

$10,000 to establish a legal support unit which will provide legal assistance to deprived women and girls without charge. The centre will provide legal consultations for women with regard to the laws of marriage, divorce and alimony.

Si JeunesseSavait (SJS)

$1,000 to produce radio jingles on the link between violence against women and HIV and air them on 3 radio stations in Kinshasa

SOS Femmes Danger

$1,000 to organize an awareness creation programme on gender based violence, including a peace march

Forum des EducatricesAfricaines de la RDC, FAWE RDC

$8,000 to create awareness on HIV and violence against women issues in 15 public schools in Kitwik in DRC. The grant will also be used to conduct voluntary HIV screening to student in those schools. This grant will go a long way to sensitize female students on HIV&AIDS and to encourage them to subscribe to […]