Gratson Training Centre
$2,000 to purchase 10 sewing machines, a Gas Stove with Oven and other materials for training young women in dress making and catering
$2,000 to purchase 10 sewing machines, a Gas Stove with Oven and other materials for training young women in dress making and catering
$3,000 to support the training of selected women in soap and batik/ tie &dye making; and provide them with startup capital. This will enable the women have sustainable income which can support their families throughout the year.
$3,000 to purchase a mill for palm kernel oil extraction, purchase a water pumping machine for dry season farming and to purchase improved vegetable seeds for distribution among members.
$4,000 to set up a small credit scheme to support the trading activities of group members.
$4000 to organize pre-release training for selected prison inmates before discharge and provide them with tools for apprenticeship; and to provide support for aged women prison inmates in the form of supplementary food and prescribed medication. This will facilitate effective rehabilitation and re-integration process of ex-convicts in society and also enhance the welfare of aged […]
$2,000 to expand the group’s crops and animal farming activities.
$20,000 to support capacity building in leadership development, peace and security for Liberian refugee girls in the Buduburam refugee camp in Ghana; to support WIPSEN-Africa’s overhead costs including the payment of rent.
$12,000 to organize a training workshop in conflict prevention, early warning systems and non violent strategies in conflict resolution for women leaders & youth activists from identified conflict prone communities. Also to be trained are the women in peace building coalition in the project area.
$12,000 to organize a leadership training for selected community women and development income earning projects for rural women. The project will empower women to stand for and win elections to increase their participation in the decision making processes at the local level for a better society.
$80,000 undertake series of pre- and post-election 2012 activities in Ghana to enhance women’s capacity to effectively and actively participate in the electoral processes in Ghana during the 2012 elections