Community Holistic Development Organization (CHODO)
$10,000 to train selected women living with HIV or caring for persons living with HIV in vegetable farming and provide them with the input to set up vegetable gardens
$10,000 to train selected women living with HIV or caring for persons living with HIV in vegetable farming and provide them with the input to set up vegetable gardens
$14,000 to contribute towards the reduction of the vulnerability of the LGBT community to violence and HIV/AIDS.
$10,000 to promote Sexual and Reproductive Health education amongst women and girls with disabilities in Jinja and Mayuge districts.
$15,000 to enhance the income earning opportunities for 200 women caring for children with special needs infected / affected with HIV/AIDS.
$10,000 to support 6 market-oriented small holder farmer groups, most of the group members living with HIV, to produce and sell cassava to the established government cassava mill. Part of the grant was used for training beneficiaries in business management and the management of Village Savings and credit groups (SACCOSs).
$16,700 to improve farming activities as well as increase household incomes for women maize farmers in Iganga, Luuka and Mayuge districts and train the target group in agronomy, farming as a business, post-harvest handling as well as value addition and marketing of maize products.
$12,500 to train rural women organized into 10 small farmers’ groups in agribusiness enterprise skills.
$30,000 over a period of 2 years to train selected number of farmer groups and women associations in entrepreneurship development and value chain management. Part of the grant was earmarked for the establishment of networks among trained women with organizations that address the needs of grassroots women in agriculture and access to land.
$5,000 to train women in waste recycling (briquette making).
$20,000 to provide a platform for cultural integration and dialogue among women writers by bringing together women from different cultural settings and age groups.