Archives in the category: thematic areas

ONG La Colombe

$10,000 to organise HIV anti stigma campaign and education among women living with HIV&AIDS and to train and provide resources for 20 women living with HIV to serve up income generating projects of their choice such as market gardening, animal husbandry, fish farming and food preservation.

Concept Units Foundation (CUF)

$15,000 to purchase and install a chilli hot pepper and peanut butter sauce making machines for the Dego Boka Halat Women Association and train the women farmers in chilli and peanut sauce production.

Women Fund Tanzania (WFT)

$25,000 to officially launch the fully fledged Tanzania Women’s Fund which has been operating since 2008.

Swaziland Positive Living (SWAPOL)

$25,000 to conduct a workshop for community caregivers to be empowered on treatment literacy. 40 community caregivers will be trained on PMTCT Option B+.