Archives in the category: thematic areas

Foundation for Integrated Development (FID/SL)

$8,000 to train selected women groups in women’s human rights, lobbying and advocacy which will enable them to critically engage duty bearers to demand for the recognition of their rights and enjoyment of their rights; to organize awareness creation activities for religious leaders, traditional authorities and law enforcement agencies on women’s human rights, this will […]

German Co-operation Sierra Leone(GEKO-SL)

$1000 to increase awareness of HIV issues in the communities of Rosotha, Rokulan, Madina and Rogbin, located in the chiefdom of Sanda Tainraren the Bombali District, Northern Province of Sierra Leone, through a community sensitization programme using cultural dances, football gala and video show.

Femmes Africa Solidarite (FAS)

$ 20,000 for the organizational development of FAS including strengthening the human resource and organizational development challenges of the organisation as well as strengthen the advocacy activities of FAS.

Resource Alliance

$50,000 to support the organization of the International Workshop on Resource Mobilisation in Africa (IWRM-Africa)in Kampala Uganda. 37 women leaders amongst AWDF grantee organizations participated in the workshop