WHEAT Women’s Fund
$20,000 to provide grants for grassroots women led community based organizations in South Africa.
$20,000 to provide grants for grassroots women led community based organizations in South Africa.
$12,000 to support the organisation of the first meeting of the working group of the South African Feminist forum to deliberate on issues of feminists organizing in South Africa.
$10,000 to build the leadership of female sex worker groups leading to sex worker led activism.
$15,000 to support the airing of selected pre-packaged radio programmes (Change the Tune) on gender and gender based violence on selected community radio stations in countries of the SADC region.
$25,000 to support the training of women groups (Makhadzis) in land rights and environmental protection issues as well as to undertake advocacy activities on the protection of sacred sites, watersheds and forests.
$20,000 for institutional development and the support of women survivors of violence
$50,000 as contribution towards the funding of the women’s leadership development and training programme. This programme provide women with skills in legal and human rights mechanism.
$ 15,000 for organisational development. Specifically the grant will be used to build capacity of board and staff, carry out strategic planning and develop fundraising strategies and purchase office equipment.
$20,000 to strengthen the capacity of CSOs and promote the voices of women on SRHR issues at the national and regional levels.
$25,000 is recommended for the completion of the first phase of the 50/50 headquarters and leadership institute for the promotion of good governance in Sierra Leone