Archives in the category: thematic areas

People’s Initiative for Poverty Alleviation- Sierra Leone (PIPA-SL)

$40,000 to train women and young women in Njagbema, Buuma and Ngelehun communities in Pujehun, and Bo Districts of Sierra Leone in vocational skills in the area of weaving, soap making and tie & dye making; to support women farmers with training and input. Part of the grant is for Institutional support including the purchase […]

United Women’s Development Programme (UWDP)

$5,000 to organize a training program in feminism theory, women’s human rights and communications skills for selected young girls from Senegal, Mali and Gambia and to organize an intergenerational dialogue.

Tubahumurize Association

$9,000 to provide micro credit to 20 women survivors of genocide and to train them in basic accounting and small scale business management.

Resource Alliance

$30,000 to support the organization of the International Workshop on Resource Mobilization (IWRM Africa) in Kampala – Uganda from 27 – 30 November 2012.

ABANTU for Development-NIGERIA

$14,000 to support women in the handicraft business to increase production; and to form a database of women in the micro and small scale manufacturing industries and microfinance organizations, government parastatals and banks with loan facilities.

Marycare Foundation

$4,000 to set up a gari processing unit to generate income for the group members.