Archives in the category: thematic areas

Kaliiti Dsiabled Women’s Network

$5,000 to purchase equipment and materials to put the skills acquired to use in order to improve on the income levels of group members who were recently trained in candle, charcoal briquette and soap making.

Angel Community Based Organization

$3,000 to establish a revolving loan scheme to provide credit facilities to women who cannot meet the formal and semi-formal credit market.

Petite Soeur A Soeur (PSAS)

$10,000 to support 150 young commercial sex workers with income generating activities and to educate them on their rights.

Femme de Demain (FDD)

$18,000 to provide economic and legal support to women living with HIV&AIDS who are all members of “Femme Plus” one of women’s groups beneficiaries of Femmes de Demain’s activities.

Assistance Plus Togo

$10,000 to train 200 rural women in fruits and vegetable preservation, to provide 10 solar dryers to 10 rural women’s groups in Kara and to equip project beneficiaries with marketing skills.