Archives in the category: thematic areas

Liberia Needy Women and Children Organization (LINWCO) Inc.

$10,000 to support selected small scale women business entrepreneurs in Montserrado and Tewor Districts and Grand Cape Mount Counties to expand their businesses through training in entrepreneurship skills and the provision of trainees with micro credit to support their businesses.

New Liberian Women Organisation/Skills training Centre

$15,000 to train selected unemployed women and youths of Liberia in income generation activities (beauty care and therapy, baking/pastry, macramé’, soap science, sewing/tailoring and computer science to enable them become self-reliant. Part of the grant was used for institutional support

Community Humanitarian Advocacy Organization Inc. (COHADO)

$10,000 to strengthen 8 existing gender clubs through training and other technical support; form 3 new gender clubs and train them in women’s human rights issues. Part of the grant was used to support women’s small scale business initiatives through the provision of micro loans to survivors of gender based violence and other needy women

Ogiek Peoples Development Program (OPDP)

$10,000 to train selected number of women in Nessuit, Ndungulu, Sasimwani and Ololuluga in best poultry rearing practices and management, and a poultry rearing project set up for the trained women in the four communities. Part of the grant was earmarked for institutional support.

Youth Alive

$10,000 to improve the animal housing facilities for 5 women groups supported to engage in goat and pig rearing thereby reducing the risk of poor housing related diseases. Part of the grant was used to support staff remuneration.

Pro Link Organisation

$30,000 to train 60 women selected from women’s groups within the Hohoe Municipality, who are into small scale businesses, in entrepreneurship and credit management skills and provide them with micro-credit to expand and improve upon their businesses.

The Centre for Community Empowerment

$ 4,000 to start a credit program planned for the Akpadgbu community group members and organize skills (business management, financial literacy, packaging, branding and customer care) training for the members of the group.