Horizons Femmes
$15,000 to train 20 commercial sex workers in modern methods of animal husbandry and to help establish income generating activities for them.
$15,000 to train 20 commercial sex workers in modern methods of animal husbandry and to help establish income generating activities for them.
$15,000 to improve on the socio-economic status of women groups in poor settings through enhancing crop and livestock productivity.
$6,000 to train selected women in agro pastoral farming and new cultivation methods.
$20,000 to establish a strong beekeeping cooperative of 55 women in Sissili in Burkina, to train members in group dynamics and strengthen their capacities, to establish a micro credit scheme for the members and to train members of the cooperatives in modern farming methods.
$20,000 to purchase equipment (large freezers, pulping machines, pasteurizing for juice making, steam pots, oil press, industrial floor scale and nut cracker) for the processing of different Morula fruit products for sale.
$10,000 to train selected women’s groups in gari and palm oil processing.
$10,000 to organize training for two groups in business management and modern farming techniques, provide beneficiaries with farming equipment such as watering cans, wheelbarrows, shovels and appropriate seeds. There will also be exchange learning programmes with other successful communities.
$20,000 for institutional development including resource mobilization, staff development and administration.
$15,000 to establish a revolving micro credit scheme to support women to start businesses of their own as well as to train credit beneficiaries in business and credit management and to monitor businesses of credit beneficiaries until they are firmly established.
$15,000 to support the training of women in entrepreneurship as well as to mentor trainees.