Hohoe Women Rice Brokers and Marketers Society
$15,000 to strengthen rice production methods including production, business and financial management, record keeping and group dynamics.
$15,000 to strengthen rice production methods including production, business and financial management, record keeping and group dynamics.
$12,000 to support women farmer groups to minimize post-harvest losses and increase yield through the adoption of appropriate methodologies. Part of the grant was used to construct a food storage silo using local materials.
$5,000 to enhance its baking activities through the purchase of items for the bakery unit and learning materials for the pre-school.
$5,000 to boost its bread baking activities and train selected unemployed young mothers in bread and pastries making.
$5,000 to train 20 selected unemployed young women within Adenta in the art of bead making.
$10,000 as a contribution towards the institutional strengthening of ACF.
$5,000 to improve shea butter processing activities of women and to provide women with a reliable source of income.
$8,000 to lease a 10 acre piece of land for 5 years to cultivate cassava to be used for the gari processing on a large scale.
$60,000 over three years to establish and support self-help groups of women living with HIV/AIDS to go into sustainable income generation projects.
$20,000 to train selected unemployed women in plastic art, sewing of eco-friendly bags, basic business management, leadership skills and record keeping; and to strengthen cooperatives. Part of the grant was used to undertake educational activities on plastic waste management