Archives in the category: Uncategorized

Call for Consultant: AWDF Communications Audit

Over the past 16 years, AWDF has increased the scope of its work (grantmaking, capacity building, advocacy and fundraising) within its mandate. As the programmes and the income of the organisation grows, the communications function becomes ever more vital. Additionally, the role, methodologies and visions of communications in the human rights field has developed dramatically over […]

#FacesofAdvocacy: SWID recounts the journey towards Women’s Land rights in Uganda.

Advocacy leads to transformation and Slum Women’s Initiative for Development (SWID) has demonstrated the importance of transformation on the issue of Land rights in Uganda. SWID works on a spectrum of issues: land rights, women’s rights, food security as well as environmental protection. They understand how issues of land, the environment and food are interwoven, […]

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AMPLIFY CHANGE A multi-donor challenge fund to support civil society advocacy for sexual and reproductive health and rights, AmplifyChange aims to empower young people, men and women to realise their sexual and reproductive rights.The fund is managed by a consortium that includes ManionDaniels Global Fund for Women and the African Women’s Development Fund. Our […]

CALL TO ACTION: Mobilising Resources for Sierra Leone

    22nd August 2017   Following the recent disaster that struck Sierra Leone, the African Philanthropic Network is working with the African Women’s Development Fund to mobilise resources in support of initiatives to mitigate the devastating effects of this disaster.   You can be part of this initiative by donating in one of the […]