East Africa Association of Grantmakers (EAAG)
$30,000 to support a planned regional workshop on EAC trade policy and customs regulations in March 2013.
$30,000 to support a planned regional workshop on EAC trade policy and customs regulations in March 2013.
$15,000 to build the capacity of women in the Kisumu County Assembly to advocate for gender sensitive policies and to champion the rights of women as they participate effectively in the county governance structure.
$90,000 over 3 years to train a total of 9 young professional women in peace and security in Africa.
$12,000 to build the leadership of sex worker groups to lead the campaign for the respect of the rights of sex workers; provide an alternate means of income earning opportunities for selected interested sex workers.
$40,000 to increase human rights protection for beneficiaries and also empower them with needed information on causes and prevention of SGBV and intimate partner violence.
$40,000 to produce the Standpoint programme to discuss issues of change, policies and interventions by women to help bring the views of women on various national issues to light thereby educating and empowering women.
$20,000 to train selected community stakeholders and leaders, health care providers within community health facilities in sexuality and adolescent reproductive health.
$90,000 to upscale the advocacy around women’s increased participation in politics and decision-making as demanded within the Women’s Manifesto for Ghana; updating of the database on women political leaders, training for women leaders and advocacy engagements with political parties, policy makers, media and state institutions.
$15,000 to strengthen rice production methods including production, business and financial management, record keeping and group dynamics.
$12,000 to support women farmer groups to minimize post-harvest losses and increase yield through the adoption of appropriate methodologies. Part of the grant was used to construct a food storage silo using local materials.