Archives in the category: thematic areas

ABANTU for Development-NIGERIA

$14,000 to support women in the handicraft business to increase production; and to form a database of women in the micro and small scale manufacturing industries and microfinance organizations, government parastatals and banks with loan facilities.

Marycare Foundation

$4,000 to set up a gari processing unit to generate income for the group members.

Sister Namibia Trust

$20,000 to support the further production of three issues of its magazine “Sister Namibia” for the year.

Associacao Khalidwe of Lago

$1,000 to produce 6 radio programs and 2 jingles one in local language (Nyanja) and the other in Portuguese which will run concurrently.

Youth Coordinating Agency in Development (YOCADE)

$1,000 to undertake awareness campaigns through various entertaining activities such as drama, dancing competitions, poem recitals and distribution of T’ shirts to educate communities on the dangers of gender based violence.