Archives in the category: thematic areas

Voix de sans VoixniLiberte (VOVOLIB)

$8,000 to produce radio programmes, train women leaders on women’s rights issues and create awareness on sexual violence among project community. The project will educate women on their rights and the mechanisms in place to protect those rights in the DRC, a country which has been devastated by armed conflicts and where sexual violence has […]

Actions Pour La Réinsertion Sociale de la Femme (ARSF)

$8,000 to set up and equip a literacy centre in Mwenga in DRC. The Mwenga community is highly deprived with a high illiteracy rate. Radio programmes on women’s rightswill be used to supplement the adult literacy programme as a means of boosting the status of women in the community.

Action de Programmes de Development en Millieu Rural, APRODR en Sigle

$12,000 to train 60 Bambuti indigenous women in soap making as a means of increasing their income levels. The trained women are expected to pass the skills on to others after gaining the knowledge. This is a group of women who are badly marginalized within the Congolese culture, which leaves them particularly vulnerable. The improved […]

Azur Development

A contribution of $15,000 to organize the young women feminist forum in Central Africa.


$15,000 to produce a shadow report on Cameroon for presentation to the CEDAW Committee. The grant will also support 2 women to participate in the conference.