Archives in the category: thematic areas

Council for Economic Empowerment for Women of Africa – Uganda Chapter (CEEWA-Uganda

$30,000 over a period of 2 years to train selected number of farmer groups and women associations in entrepreneurship development and value chain management. Part of the grant was earmarked for the establishment of networks among trained women with organizations that address the needs of grassroots women in agriculture and access to land.

Concept Units Foundation (CUF)

$15,000 to purchase and install a chilli hot pepper and peanut butter sauce making machines for the Dego Boka Halat Women Association and train the women farmers in chilli and peanut sauce production.

Surplus People Project (SPP)

$10,000 to support the establishment of forum for women small scale farmers and women farm workers, to facilitate training and exchanges around value adding options and agro-processing of primary produce. Part of the grant was earmarked to establish seed banks and undertake farmer-to-farmer extension/exchanges to share experiences and practices.

Foundation for Integrated Development (FID/SL)

$20,000 to complement the government of Sierra Leones’ Rural and Private Sector Project (RPSP) efforts to promote and empower the private sector including local farmers in the whole country.

Children Assistance Welfare (CAW)

$15,000 to complete the two year intensive integrated vocational training for 35 vulnerable girls (commercial sex workers, single mothers, school drop outs and widows) in tailoring, hairdressing, non-formal literacy education, psycho-social services including HIV&AIDS education and human rights education.

Konima Development Association

$4,000 to rehabilitate and modernize a dilapidated store used for the storing of grains and drying floor used as preservation facility for farm produce.