Archives in the category: thematic areas

Angie Brooks International Centre

$30,000 to support the adaptation of the Women Situation Room (WSR) in 2 African countries during electoral processes, as well as create a documentation facility that will document the evolution and experience of the WSR.

Abantu for Development, Regional Office for Western Africa (ROWA)

$90,000 to upscale the advocacy around women’s increased participation in politics and decision-making as demanded within the Women’s Manifesto for Ghana; updating of the database on women political leaders, training for women leaders and advocacy engagements with political parties, policy makers, media and state institutions.

Centre for Women in Governance (CEWIGO)

$40,000 to enhance the capacity of female district and local councilors for effective participate in governance. The project seeks to strengthen women’s role in decision making.

Akina Mama wa Afrika

$30,000 to conduct a tracer study to document the experiences of the African Women’s Leadership Institute (AWLI) Alumni in a bid to find out where they are and what they are doing. This will serve as a monitoring and evaluation framework for the AWLI. The Tracer study will be in 3 phases over a period […]