Archives in the category: thematic areas

Kyarumba Catholic Widows Group

$3,000 to purchase tent, 100 plastic chairs, I video camera, 1 digital and 1 manual cameras to be used as an income earning equipment. The items will be rented out to generate income which will be reinvested into the group’s savings and credit scheme to support income generating activities of group members.

Teso AIDS Programme

$4,000 to support the participation of the Programmes Manager of TESO in the ICASA 2011.

Live with Hope Foundation (LwHF)

$6,000 to support awareness creation in communities such as Kapchworwa in the North Eastern Region of Uganda which has a high rate of Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) practices. Part of the grant will support young girls in school and income generation projects for FGM initiators.