Archives in the category: thematic areas

Alternatives Cameroun

$10, 000 to organise a public education session on women’s health, to organize an awareness creation programmes on the rights of LGBTIs and to train 10 peer educators on the sexual rights of LGBTI people.

Reach Out Cameroon (REO)

$12,000 to provide seed capital to 3 female headed associations of HIV/AIDS infected and affected women as well as to train project beneficiaries in micro credit and income generating activities management.

Horizons Femmes

$15,000 to train 20 commercial sex workers in modern methods of animal husbandry and to help establish income generating activities for them.

Association Lagme Yensgo

$12,000 to scale up HIV prevention education with emphasis on anti-stigma education through the training of 60 community animators who will lead the fight against the spread of HIV.

Association pour la Paix et la Solidarite (APS)

$20,000 to establish a strong beekeeping cooperative of 55 women in Sissili in Burkina, to train members in group dynamics and strengthen their capacities, to establish a micro credit scheme for the members and to train members of the cooperatives in modern farming methods.