Archives in the category: thematic areas

Frako Initiative

$5,000 to train 20 selected unemployed young women within Adenta in the art of bead making.

Care for the Vulnerable

$5,000 to improve shea butter processing activities of women and to provide women with a reliable source of income.


$8,000 to lease a 10 acre piece of land for 5 years to cultivate cassava to be used for the gari processing on a large scale.

Golden Baobab

$20,000 to publish and produce an anthology collected from over 850 stories for children written by women from various African countries, and distribute these books to children throughout Africa.

Theatre for a Change Ghana (TfaC Ghana)

$15,000 to hold behavior change workshops with selected female sex workers using participatory games, music and dance to explore and learn about sexual and reproductive health, HIV& AIDS, substance abuse and sexual and gender rights.