Archives in the category: thematic areas

Grantee Highlight: Wealth for Smallholder Women Peanut Farmers in Muwena

Women smallholder farmers comprise an average of 43 percent of the agricultural labour force of developing countries. In Africa in particular, many communities depend on women to grow most of the food they eat, yet they continue struggle with lack of access to capital, land, agricultural inputs, tools and technology needed to move up to large […]

Grantee Highlight: Post-Ebola Women’s Groups Need Funding

By Amba Mpoke-Bigg, Communications and Fundraising Specialist at the African Women’s Development Fund MONROVIA, Liberia – I was woken from deep sleep by my middle child one night a few months ago. She was burning hot to the touch, whispered that she wasn’t well, then she threw up – as did her younger sister who […]

Women for Change

$10,000 to train selected women in seed multiplication and para-vet (to identify and manage simple animal diseases); purchase, link and register seed growers with the Seed Control and Certification Institute (SCCI). Part of the grant was earmarked to for a goat rearing project.

Children with Future in Zambia (CwFiZ)

$25,000 to purchase and install a peanut butter processing machine. Part of the grant was used to train a selected number of women farmers in modern techniques of groundnut cultivation, processing and packaging.

Families in Development Organization (FIDO)

$10,000 to support 6 market-oriented small holder farmer groups, most of the group members living with HIV, to produce and sell cassava to the established government cassava mill. Part of the grant was used for training beneficiaries in business management and the management of Village Savings and credit groups (SACCOSs).