By Amba Mpoke-Bigg, Communications and Fundraising Specialist at the African Women’s Development Fund MONROVIA, Liberia – I was woken from deep sleep by my middle child one night a few months ago. She was burning hot to the touch, whispered that she wasn’t well, then she threw up – as did her younger sister who […]
$25,000 to provide women, girls, adolescents and LGBTI with information on sexual health and reproductive rights as well as leadership skills, counselling on sexuality related issues and safe home services for disadvantaged women in the sharia context where women do not have legal representation.
$20,000 to train selected number of TBAs and local midwives in Ajangbadi and Ijanikin within Ojo Local Government Area in basic professional obstetrics and family planning to reduce the high rate of maternal deaths among women of child bearing age.
$12,000 to undertake series of educational activities to increase knowledge of adolescent girls and community members on issues of health and reproductive rights; to train selected adolescent girls as TOTs who would later impact the knowledge acquired to other youth in the communities.
$20,000 to train selected community stakeholders and leaders, health care providers within community health facilities in sexuality and adolescent reproductive health.
$10,000 to train 50 village midwives and to support 2 health centres for the provision of medical aid to survivors of violence.
$9,000 to train 25 peer educators in women’s sexual and reproductive health and to create awareness among the general public on the importance of family planning and women’s health.
$50,000 for the establishment of a women’s wellness centre that will provide a safe place for the discussions around women’s sexual and reproductive health rights in a holistic way.