Accra, 4 September: The African Women’s Development Fund (AWDF) is hosting 40 participants for a feminist financial management learning offering in Accra, Ghana from 4-11 September 2024.
Attendees included in this engagement have been drawn from partners supported under the Leading From the South programme and Foundation for a Just Society (FJSI) as well as non-funded entities.
This learning offering responds to gaps identified in the AWDF Programmes mapping of entities in feminist movements which highlighted critical gaps in reaching entities within women’s and feminist movements that do not meet mainstream categorisations of “traditional grantee partners”. These include individual activists and unregistered collectives. Influenced by a feminist movement centered approach to financial management this space has been created to build stronger partnerships, inclusion, accountability and flexibility.
The Arabic, French and English speaking partners who are part of this offering will have an opportunity to engage in peer learning and sharing, connecting and knowledge exchange , fostering a deep understanding of each other’s diverse contexts and experiences.
This financial management learning offering is being hosted in alignment with AWDF’s Lemlem Strategic Priority 1 on Resourcing and accompanying African Women’s Rights and Feminist movements.