Will you be at the July 17-20 Women Deliver Conference in Kigali? Come Connect with us.
AWDF will be in solidarity with gender equality and feminist actors attending the conference online and in-person. Our 47-member delegation includes 34 African feminists and women rights actors from 18 countries and 13 staff members.
The Women Deliver Conference is one of the largest multi-sectoral convenings to advance gender equality and brings together grassroots advocates, youth, civil society, governments, multilateral organisations, and the private sector, with a deliberate representation of communities facing systemic discrimination around the world. You can read more about this year’s conference here.
The 2023 Women Deliver Conference in Kigali is the first to be held on the African continent and an opportunity for AWDF to promote and highlight African feminist voices within the space, centre evidence and define approaches that work to promote and sustain gender equality gains. It will also be an opportunity for AWDF to continue to reintroduce ourselves to our partners and constituents as we launch our new strategic framework and direction for the next ten years.
AWDF staff attending will be representing a number of our priority areas of work including Partnerships and Philanthropy, Knowledge and Voice, Resourcing and Movement Building.
We invite you to find and connect with the work and voices of the diverse pool of partners we are sponsoring at the exhibition booth and in the various sessions we are co-hosting at the conference. Here is a summary.
African Feminist Perspectives on Wellbeing: Cultural Meanings, Identities and Innovations
A side event to introduce a guide on a feminist response to trauma, developed jointly with the Stephen Lewis Foundation.
Date: July 18, 2023 | Time: 11:30-13:00 hrs CAT
Venue: Kigali Convention Centre Room AD-12.1 |Translation available:
Prevention, Support and Accountability: Combatting Sexual Violence in West Africa
A concurrent session to present learning from the work of our partners under the Kasa! initiative (funded by the Ford Foundation and Open Society Foundations).
Date: July 19, 2023 | Time: 15:30-17:00 hrs CAT
Venue: Kigali Convention Centre Translation available:
You can find the full programme for the Women Deliver Conference here. Please contact events@awdf.org if you have specific questions around AWDF’s engagement at the conference.