The African Women’s Development Fund (AWDF) is the first African-wide grant-making foundation which was established to provide grants, capacity building and technical assistance to African women’s organisations. The vision of AWDF is for African women to live in a world in which there is social justice, equality and respect for women’s human rights.
To this end, our mission is to mobilise financial resources to support local, national and regional initiatives led by women, which will lead to the achievement of this vision. AWDF raises money and makes grants for the support of non-profit African women’s organisations working for social justice, equality, respect and peace.
Background to the project
In 2016, AWDF developed a new strategic plan directing the organisation’s focus and activities over the next four years from 2017 – 2020. As part of the strategic plan process, AWDF conceptualised a scenarios project in order to have a conversation about how the future of women’s rights in Africa might evolve over time. Scenarios are stories describing alternative futures and how they might come about. Scenarios also act as signals to watch out for in the future. The stories point out critical issues to look out for in the sector.
The scenario stories describe four (4) different and possible futures that could occur in Africa regarding women’s rights and empowerment. The scenarios, therefore, respond to this central question:
What is the future of women’s organising in response to these trends by 2030 and what is AWDF’s role in this context?
Scope of Work
To develop a concept for the visual design and layout of the four different scenario stories for digital dissemination. We are looking for compelling and innovative expressions of the stories with a particular interest in illustration, and if possible, animation as modes of design.
To visually design and layout the four scenario stories for simple digital circulation (hi-res, multimedia formats must convert to popular forms, i.e. web link, PDF, .jpg. png, gif, etc.)
Original text length = 21 page Microsoft Word document
Qualifications and expertise
- Proficiency in professional, compelling and innovative visual design and layout packages with a preference for animation and/or illustration.
- Demonstrated experience of visual design and layout of publications in animation or illustration form.
- Ability to read/write fluently in English.
- Support for women’s rights and feminist principles desirable.African women designers are particularly encouraged to apply.
Design should be ready for digital distribution by the 22 March 2017.Location
This assignment is desk-based.To apply
Please send a Design CV, a quotation for estimated costs of design (including for illustration and for animation options where possible) and samples of relevant work and to Sionne Neely, Knowledge Management Specialist at AWDF, sionne@africlub.net/awdf. Submissions should be emailed by Friday, 22 February, 2017.
Download Terms of Reference Below.