The Take Aways from Women Deliver: A brief Interview of Theo Sowa

Last Month, AWDF CEO Theo Sowa spoke and moderated a series of panels at Women Deliver in Copenhagen, Denmark. Dignitaries such as H.R.H Crown Princess Mary of Denmark and Danish Minister Kristian Jensen along with other notable international players all gathered to discuss development and what the new Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) mean for women […]

AWDF’s CEO, Theo Sowa at the 2013 Women Deliver conference in Malaysia

Theo Sowa, AWDF’s Chief Executive Officer participated in the 2013 Women Deliver conference held in Kuala Lampur, Malaysia between the 28th-30th of May 2013. On Tuesday the 28th, she delivered ‘The Last Word’ for proceedings on the day which can be viewed below: On Wednesday 29th May Theo Sowa facilitated a panel on ‘Developing Countries’ […]