AWDF’s CEO Forum: Sharing Our Stories with the Media

This video highlights the work of African women leaders who participated in the African Women’s Development Fund’s (AWDF) annual CEO Forum in Nairobi, Kenya, from 10 – 12 August 2015. This 3-day convening, which is a part of AWDF’s Capacity Building Programme, focused on Leadership and Communications and featured 21 women leaders from 8 African […]

Op-Ed : Ghana’s frustrated youth are vulnerable to the radical call of ISIS

Students at University of Ghana (AP Photo/Gabriela Barnuevo) Read published article here: on BY Amba Mpoke-Bigg Over the past couple of decades Ghana has won a hardearned reputation as a stable and settled democracy. Yet, as news broke last week that a young university graduate from Ghana had left home to join Islamic State […]