FGM Ban In The Gambia: The Beginning of An End

By Jama Jack 25th November 2015 Today marks the beginning of another 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence, an annual commemoration that runs from November 25th to December 10th each year. In The Gambia, this year’s commemorations dawned with great news through an Executive pronouncement, Monday evening, banning the practice of Female Genital Mutilation […]

Liberian jury delivers “guilty” verdict on Ruth Berry Peal’s case

POUR DIFFUSION IMMÉDIATE Contact: Mary Ciugu, (254) 271-9832 20/913 11 juillet 2011 equalitynownairobi@equalitynow.org JURY DU LIBERIA DECLARE «COUPABLE» VERDICT SUR LE CAS DE RUTH BERRY PEAL Le 8 Juillet 2011, le cas de Ruth Berry Peal, qui a été forcée des mutilations sexuelles, a reposé après un mois d’audiences. Le jury s’est retiré pour délibérer sur […]