Since its inception in 2001, AWDF has supported over 1200 women’s organisations in 42 African countries to work on critical issues that is of great importance to women on the continent. These organisations are doing remarkable work and have earned recognition, and influence in their localities / communities, countries, in the continent and beyond. Such recognition has taken various forms, including certificates of recognition, awards or commemorations, invitations to seek leadership roles, invitations onto committees and other decision-making bodies, donations of resources such as money, land, and materials among other things. To this end, aside grantees project reports, site visits etc, AWDF conducts a recognition survey annually to ascertain the recognition and reward grantees have received as a result of profound impact they are making in the lives of women and the continent at large. To achieve this, online questionnaires were sent to 149 organisations (139 Anglophone and 13 Francophone) supported in 2014. A detailed findings of the analysis of the survey are presented in the chapters below.