“This is not a forum for Feminists ‘if’, Feminists ‘but’, or Feminists ‘however’. This is a forum for FEMINISTS ‘full stop’.”
– Bisi Adeleye-Fayemi, opening ceremony of The African Feminist Forum, November 2006, Accra, Ghana.
The journey that led to the creation of the space in which African feminists can engage in the process of internal reflection, reconnection with one another and with the movement; a space free of the ‘ifs’, ‘ands’, ‘buts’ that have for so long fractured the agency of the women’s movement and diverted its energies, has been a long and sometimes arduous one. The creation of this space (the first ever of its kind in Africa) is in many ways, testament to how far the movement has come in Africa, but also a stark reminder of what it is up against.
Read more about: Reclaiming Our Spaces