I have just spent several busy, fun and intense couple of days in South Africa. I arrived here last Saturday and headed to the Monkey Valley Resort for the Feminist Tech Exchange and Wow! what an experience that has been. The Tech Exchange comprised of several tracks including digital stories, video, audio, mobile and social networking tools. I was on the digital story track and after 15 hours of intense training (and some late nights) produced my very first digital story.
I am very excited that I was able to take part in this track because digital story telling is another useful tool that feminists can use to tell their own stories – in ways that are compelling, attention grabbing and ‘impactful’. All you need is a recorder, images and a basic Movie Maker that can be found on most computer software.
My person digital story was about ‘My feminist journey so far…’. Watch out for the premiere on this blog!
Nana Sekyiamah
Programme Officer (Fundraising & Communications)