We do this through mobilising and resourcing African women-led initiatives to undertake in-depth analysis on development needs, experiences, lessons, innovations and what works in the struggle to attain women’s rights. Exploring diverse forms, formats, platforms and languages allows us to innovatively break barriers around access and use of knowledge thereby enabling us to connect the world to knowledge produced and shared by African women.
Our knowledge management initiatives are guided by a strategy that advances the following key approaches:
- Deepening analysis around grantee methodologies, intervention gaps and what works in advancing women’s rights;
- Supporting external feminist knowledge inititatives including platforms and producers, through grants and paid collaborations;
- Experimenting knowledge with form, format and language;
- Tracking and measuring the impact of AWDF’s knowledge initiatives, leading;
- Towards an African feminist-led and inclusive knowledge economy.
Guided by these approachExperimenting knowledge with form, format and language;es, we regularly cite and actively acknowledge the works of African women in the diverse range of their forms and formats including arts and illustrations; promote open access to knowledge and support translations to reach a diversity of languages in Africa and the Middle East; strengthen internal capacity to produce and use knowledge through staff led initiatives, developing tools for how-to and encouraging sharing and learning spaces; maintain the AWDF-led knowledge platforms; namely; the online library, AfriRep and the physical Resource Center in Accra; as well as connect to, learn from and through other African feminist knowledge platforms in Africa and beyond.