Grantmaking criteria

To qualify for a grant from the AWDF grants, organisations must be led and managed by women. Similarly, national or regional civil society organisations may apply for a project focused on women, but they must demonstrate that there are women involved in their governance, and that the project will be managed by a senior woman in the organisation.

Organisations must demonstrate how their work fits into a local, national or regional strategy to empower African women. Likewise, they show how the project proposal fits into the organisation’s overall strategy or community in which it’s located.

Applying organisations should have basic organisational systems and structures in place, and must be at least three years old. When evaluating an application, the AWDF will look for evidence of effective leadership, planning and networking. This should be reflected in a clear sustainability plan for additional funding, and the ability to manage funds transparently.

Please be aware that the AWDF will not grant funds to any of the following:

  • Organisations that aim to convert people to any religious belief.
  • Any kind of political party, or a women-specific extension of a political party.
  • Funding for individual women or their families.
  • Departments of governments.
  • Scholarships and fellowships for academic studies.
  • Women’s organisations that are not led by women.